Online RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship Course


AUD$220 - NZD$238.
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The Online RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship Course provides a fantastic knowledge base for coastal passages.
The course is suitable for those seeking navigation training and gives you the skills and knowledge to be ready to enrol in the RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Course. Above & Beyond Boating are an internationally accredited training centre, and our courses are recognised globally.
The course includes:
* The basics of essential navigation and seamanship training, including the use of charts & almanacs
* Harbour entry, passage planning, and departure pilotage techniques
* Tidal awareness and how to recognise buoyage on charts and on the water
* Collision regulations and rules of the road
* Weather forecast sources and information including local apps and websites
* Safety equipment to carry and how it should be used
View more info here:

RYA Online Navigation